Sauna & Steam Rooms
Swimming Pools
We have over 20 years experience installing automatic pool covers on swimming pools in order to conserve energy. On industrial tanks to reduce heat loss or even odour from the contents. Our smallest pool cover is approximately 3m x 8m and the largest 21m x 65m. The pool covers can be sited above ground at the end of the pool or in a pit under the pool surrounds at one end out of site, or even in the pool floor. Our fully automatic covers are manufactured from extruded PVC interlocking slates and float on the water without tracking or wires to spoil the appearance of the pool.
( Click image to enlarge )
automated pool cover
Automatic swimming pool covers
mechanical swimming pool cover in action
Automated swimming pool cover, covering a swimming pool
Automatic swimming pool covers can be made for uniquie shapes
Automatic swimming pool covers at David Hallam Ltd
At David Hallam we use Inducon who are a leading international supplier of swimming pool covers


Click here to see our SPATA Award Winning Swimming Pools